Purchase Orders
Simply browse our extensive range of products, add the items you need to your cart, and proceed to checkout. Our system automatically tracks and updates the status of your orders, giving you real-time visibility into your purchasing process. You can also create an account to save your order history and make repeat ordering even faster.
Payment Methods
Accepted payments; Visa, Master Card, Maestro and Paypal.

You can place your order by speaking to our team on 01302 300200
Monday - Thursday -9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Fridays -9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Excluding bank holidays.
Public sector customers and credit account holders can also send an order to hello@premier-storage.co.uk and benefit from a 30-day account.
Instant Credit
We offer credit to Local Authorities, Schools, Colleges, NHS, Ambulance Services, Police, Fire Services, and MOD. Call, fax or e-mail your order to open your 30-day account instantly.